Every business needs to communicate. Well-written, smooth-flowing, mistake-free copy is critical if you want to get your message across and present your company in a professional manner. Most business people are not professional writers, let alone editors – but that is not a problem if you have help from Angie Calabrese Editing.
I proof and edit your copy quickly, thoroughly and affordably – and send it back ready to roll.
Angie Calabrese Editing. Because you have to get it right. Every time.
Get to Know Me
I’ve loved the written word for as long as I can remember – even to the point where English was the only class I really liked. (Yes, I even enjoyed diagramming sentences.)
And I’m fascinated by the way the misuse or omission of something as simple as a comma can change the entire meaning of a message you’re trying to convey.
For nearly 15 years, I’ve worked to help writers clean up and perfect little nuances like that. I started as editor of a newspaper syndicate before becoming lead copy editor of a marketing content company with a wide variety of corporate and agency clients.
In addition, I serve as the editor of 14 community magazines, where I work on a daily basis with talented writers covering many fascinating subjects. As always, my job is to help them sound as good as they can.
And that’s what I’m here to do for you.

What I do
You send me your raw copy, usually in a Word file (preferred) or PDF. I edit and proof for spelling, grammar, flow, sentence structure and other issues, then send you back a clean copy ready to use. I charge 5 cents per word for editing, with a minimum charge of $25 for each job.
Some of the business content I edit includes:
Social Media Content
Blog Posts
Sales Material
E-mail Campaign Content
Web Site Copy
White Papers
Internal / External Business Letters
Business Cards
Books: Editing or Ghostwriting (negotiated fees)
Manuals (Training / Operational etc.)
When I need help, I call on two of the best editors in the business to back me up: Dan Calabrese (yes, that would be my husband) and Michelle Cohl at North Star Marketing Content.
Years since the company was launched
College courses taken after age 40 to brush up on skills
Magazines published each quarter with our support
Jobs edited from Comerica Park during Tiger games
Jobs edited from Anna Maria Island beach
Kittens providing assistance at any given moment
My Clients

From My Clients
Angie (Ace) is an incredible person… first and foremost. She is my editor, brains, organizational genius and a big part of why I’m able to make most of my promises come true to my customers, cities, townships, chambers, DDAs, schools, employees, etc.
Angie is an incredibly vital part of our design process. She’s reliable, resourceful, always quick to respond and her attention to detail is impeccable. We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without her.